EN FRThe Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents that the overnight winter parking ban will be enforced from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. (in both Zone 1 – Central and Zone 2 – Non-Central), to allow crews to properly clear streets and sidewalks.
Contact & Request
Ask the mayor to send an anniversary message to couples celebrating a 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, 70th, or 75th anniversary.
Have a general question? Send 311 a message and receive and answer by email.
Ask the mayor to send a birthday message to someone turning 80, 90, or 100 (also available every year after 100).
Find out how to apply for a Civic Event grant application.
Schedule pick up from Community Clean Up programs. Please ensure you have registered for the program prior to contacting HRM
Contact the mayor or your councillor.
Request for new drainage infrastructure (e.g. new catch basin, culvert, street drain).
Report concerns on the size of election signs, signs in prohibited areas, signs on a travel way, path, or other concerns.
Requests to cut grass in parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, cemeteries and in the boulevard.
hfxALERT is the municipal mass notification system keeping residents informed about urgent and non-urgent situations.
Invite the mayor to attend your special event.
Requests for pruning and maintenance of foliage, vegetation, shrubs, flower beds, hanging baskets. Examples include weeds in shrub beds, rodent holes, etc.
Ask the mayor to send a congratulatory message to someone retiring from the military.
New Litter Bin in Park Request
Request for new litterbins in the right-of-way.
Request for new sidewalks.
Request for a new sign in a park (sign maintenance, complaints about signs in a park -including election signs).
Inquiries on, or request for a new park, playground, greenspace, or infrastructure.
Parks related inquiries, including complaints & compliments, hours of operation, policy inquiries, lost items in parks.
Request for new pavement markings or repainting of existing markings.
Report a minor crime to Halifax Regional Police. If a crime is in progress, call 911.
Request a replacement countertop mini bin for organic waste.
Report damage to something in a municipal park, playground, or field.
Request the free removal of refrigerants from your domestic refrigerator, air conditioner, or other cooling appliance before garbage collection.
Report issues about activity in the ROW or roadside memorials. Report general ROW inquiries regarding obstructions or placement of containers/excavation equipment.
Request for new ROW/Traffic signs, damage to signs, missing signs, sign maintenance, change or removal of traffic signs.
Report damage to HRM Property such as vehicles, buildings, sidewalks, curbs, grass, trees, shrubs, gardens, etc.
Requests for street sweeping outside of regularly scheduled weekly sweeping (during warmer months).
Order municipal tax certificates online using a credit card.