December vehicle/pedestrian collision stats, Revised reporting criteria for 2017



Halifax Regional Police (HRP) and Halifax District RCMP release a monthly vehicle/pedestrian collision report to provide police and citizens with more contextual information on this issue.

During the month of December, there were 23 vehicle/pedestrian collisions in Halifax. Month over month, this represents a decrease (-2 incidents) from the 25 incidents reported in November 2016. Year over year, there was a decrease (-9 incidents) from the 32 incidents reported in December 2015. There is also a slight decrease in the number of incidents (206 incidents) when comparing January 1-December 31, 2016 to the same period in 2015 (208 incidents).

For January 1- December 31, 2016, 61 per cent (125 incidents) of vehicle/pedestrian collisions occurred in crosswalks. Of the 215 pedestrians involved:

70 reported no injury 104 experienced minor injuries 23 experienced moderate injuries 5 experienced severe injuries 13 did not report their injuries to police 0 pedestrian fatalities The full monthly report, which includes a summary of the vehicle pedestrian collisions, location by HRP Division and RCMP area, pedestrian and driver characteristics, and the summary offence tickets issued, is available online at:

Beginning February 1, we will implement revised criteria guiding how HRP and Halifax District RCMP release vehicle/pedestrian and vehicle collision and crash information at the time of the incident. The most notable change with the revised criteria is that we will be issuing releases for individual vehicle/pedestrian collisions in the event of a fatality or when there are significant injuries to the victim, and no longer when a victim is transported to hospital for observation or for injuries considered to be minor. 

We will continue to release the full monthly report on vehicle/pedestrian collisions as well as individual collisions and crashes in the event of extraordinary circumstances, which include:

Fatal pedestrian/vehicle collisions Pedestrian/vehicle collisions resulting in life-threatening or significant injuries (transported to hospital for more than observation/treatment of minor injuries) Fatal vehicle crashes/collisions Crashes/collisions that affect traffic and/or significantly impact citizens, such as major road closures, water main breaks, power outages, etc. Crashes and/or collisions that result in significant damage to property Significant pursuits and significant crashes/collisions involving police vehicles Noteworthy impaired driving offences (e.g. children in car, repeat offenders, extremely high readings) Significant stunting offences Monthly impaired stats Monthly pedestrian/vehicle collision report Monthly traffic themes for HRP Traffic Unit, beginning in February 2017