Lakes and Rivers

Migratory Bird Day

May 11 is Migratory Bird Day, and in recognition of this year's theme, which focuses on the deep connections between birds and insects, we're highlighting the ways we're working to protect these important populations and sharing tips on how we can all have a positive impact.

North American bird populations are under severe threat, having dropped by more than 25 per cent in the last 50 years. Insect-eating birds (aerial insectivores) like swallows and flycatchers are declining faster than any other group, but shorebirds and grassland birds are also in sharp decline. Since 1970, we’ve lost 30% of the bird population and 45% of the insect population that once lived in North America, including common species that live in our towns and cities. 

Making progress

Urban areas can be particularly dangerous for birds, with threats including light pollution, window collisions, exposure to pesticides, predation from outdoor cats and loss of habitat. 

Our (human) population has grown rapidly in recent years, and this increase is putting the more than four hundred bird species that live here at greater risk. Through the Green Network Plan, the Integrated Mobility Plan and HalifACT, we’re committing to sustainable development. 

We're helping preserve bird habitats in both rural and urban areas through tree planting initiatives and efforts to maintain our green spaces. We've also reduced our use of pesticides through our Integrated Pest Management Strategy and replaced our streetlights with downward facing LEDs.

The municipality was recently awarded Bird Friendly City status at the entry level, which means that we're taking steps toward giving birds a chance to thrive, according to Nature Canada.

Doing your part

We still have more work to do with partners in the community and all levels of government to make the municipality even more welcoming to bird life. Here are some things you can do to help:

  • Since water quality is an important part of a healthy ecosystem, remember to protect the water by picking up garbage and picking up after your pet along lakes. 
  • Add decals and stickers to your windows to reduce the chance of window strikes, especially during migration season when birds are on the move.
  • Choose native species of shrubs and perennials for your garden to attract and feed birds. Some good options are Serviceberry or Elderberry.
  • Avoid feeding birds at feeders during the warmer months to avoid spreading diseases and parasites – our colder winters are still a safe time to use bird feeders. Instead, plant native species that produce fruit or seeds to attract birds to your yard.
  • Use the Merlin app to learn and appreciate bird song in your area, or the eBird app to document and share your bird observations. The iNaturalist app, created by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society, is also useful for learning about local bird species and invasive species. 
  • Attend events organized by the Nova Scotia Bird Society and Nature Nova Scotia.
A graphic featuring different species of birds flying to the left.
LakeWatchers logo with tagline 'community-based lake monitoring'

The Halifax Regional Municipality is home to over 1,000 lakes, more than 20 rivers, innumerable streams, and 23 major coastal shorelines places for recreation, and fish and wildlife habitats. Through our Regional Plan, we've committed to study watersheds and natural watercourses before secondary planning takes place in an effort to maintain the health of water and meet body contact recreation standards in its lakes, waterways and coastal waters. 

How can I improve the health of lakes, rivers and watersheds?

Watersheds are interconnected. Every action that effects the land also has indirect effects on lakes, rivers, and the ocean waters they drain into. 

Simple individual actions can help preserve and improve the quality and health of these waters:

  • reduce and/or eliminate the use of household and commercial hazardous products
  • make use of Household Hazardous Waste Depots and avoid pouring used cleaners, paints, chemicals or other materials down your drains or into storm water systems such as gutters, ditches, storm sewers, or streams
  • pick up after your pet, and dispose of the waste in the garbage
  • limit your use of lawn fertilizers, or try alternatives such as compost

Invasive aquatic species

Local waterways are home to both native and non-native plants and animals. Non-native species whose introduction causes—or is likely to cause—harm to people, the environment, or the economy, are called invasive species.  The Municipality has a few invasive species on its radar

The Regional Watersheds Advisory Board

Halifax Regional Council appointed the Regional Watersheds Advisory Board in 2013. The board advises the Environment and Sustainability Standing Committee of Regional Council and conducts duties as may be assigned by Regional Council or the Environment and Sustainability Standing Committee.