July 12, 2022 Halifax Regional Council


Time: 10:00 a.m., Reconvene 6:00 p.m.

Location: Council Chamber, 3rd Floor City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street, Halifax




3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – June 28, 2022 



That Halifax Regional Council approve recommendations in the following items: 15.1.2. 15.1.3, 15.1.6, 15.2.1, 15.2.2, 15.3.1, 15.4.1, 15.4.2, 15.4.3, 15.4.4, 15.5.1, 15.5.2, and 15.5.3


12. PUBLIC HEARING – 6:00 P.M.
12.1 Case H00527: Substantial Alteration to the Contributing Heritage Resource at 5185-89 South Street, Halifax
- Report [Large 12 Mb PDF]
- Presentation [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council approve the substantial alterations to the contributing heritage resource at 5185-89 South Street, Halifax (the Elmwood) as proposed in the staff report dated May 6, 2022 and its attachments, in accordance with By-law H-800 (the Old South Suburb Heritage Conservation District By-law).

12.2 Regional Centre SMPS and LUB, and Downtown Halifax SMPS and LUB Housekeeping Amendments
- Report [PDF]
- Presentation [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council adopt the proposed amendments to the Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law, and amendments to the Downtown Halifax Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law, as contained in Attachments A-D of the staff report dated May 18, 2022.
13.1 Correspondence 
13.2 Petitions

14.1 Deputy Mayor Lovelace – Anti-Black Racism Plan Update - June 2022 
- Report [PDF]
- Presentation [PDF]

14.2 Councillor Deagle Gammon - World Council on City Data (WCCD) 
- Report [PDF]
- Presentation [PDF]


15.1.1 Second Reading Proposed By-Law R-109, an Amendment to By-Law R-100, Respecting the Repeal of By-Laws and Ordinances, and Proposed Amendments to Administrative Order 23 – Integrated Pest Management Strategy [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Approve the Integrated Pest Management Strategy;

2. Direct staff to develop an educational campaign to provide guidance to property owners on how to mitigate rodent issues on private property;

3. Adopt By-law R-109, amending By-law R-100, the By-law and Ordinance Repeal By-law, as set out in Appendix B – Amending By-law R-109 of the staff report dated April 11, 2022;

4. Adopt the Amending Administrative Order, as set out in Appendix C – Repeal of Administrative Order 23 of the staff report dated April 11, 2022.

15.1.2 Award – Request for quotation 22-123 for three (3) 750g custom Rescue Pumpers* [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council award request for quotation 22-123 for the purchase of three (3) new custom 750g rescue pumpers to Carl Thibault for $2,909,414 (net HST included) with funding from Project Account No. CE200002 - Fire Fleet Replacement, as outlined in the Financial Implications section of the staff report dated June 3, 2022.

15.1.3 Award – 22-1096, Alternative Procurement Microsoft Canada*  [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council approve an Alternative Procurement with Microsoft Canada to:

1. Provision HRM’s Enterprise Desktop Solution (which includes Enhanced Services such as software licenses, maintenance and support services and cloud services options) through Microsoft Canada for a term of three (3) years at a total projected cost of $9,631,077 including net HST. 

2. Delegate their authority to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to approve up to two (2) optional terms of three (3) years subject to successful negotiation of commercial terms and conditions and pricing for the extension periods acceptable to the CAO and approved to form by Legal Services. 

3. Authorize the Executive Director of IT to purchase Enhanced Services from Microsoft Canada during any terms of the contract where the purchase is necessary to achieve HRM’s operational requirements and the total expenditure on the Enterprise Desktop Solution and Enhanced Services in the year of purchase is within the most recent budget approved by Regional Council for the purchase of software products. 

15.1.4 Award - 21-095 Request for Proposal (RFP) Mobile Ticketing Solution [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Award RFP 21-095 – Halifax Transit – Mobile Ticketing Solution to the highest scoring proponent, Masabi, for a mobile fare payment application and onboard validators at a value of $1,304,106 with funding from Capital Account No. CM210011 (Transit Fare Management) and maintenance and support services at a total value over 5 years of $243,936 funded from Halifax Transit’s proposed annual operating budget, as outlined in the Financial Implications section of the staff report dated June 3, 2022.

2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to execute the agreement and any ancillary agreements for the installation and operation of the solution, subject to the pre-requisites at section 29(1) of the Procurement Policy being met and the terms and conditions of the agreement(s) being acceptable to the CAO.

15.1.5 2022-2023 Events East Business Plan - Halifax Convention Centre & Ticket Atlantic 
- Report [PDF]
- Presentation [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council, in accordance with section 29 of the Halifax Convention Centre Act, approve the 2022-2023 Events East Business Plan for the Halifax Convention Centre Corporation, submitted to the municipality March 28, 2022, as set out in Attachment 1 of the staff report dated May 27, 2022.

15.1.6 Award – Tender 22-224 Burnside Phase 13-1A Lift Station* [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Award Tender 22-224 Burnside Phase 13-1A Lift Station to the highest scoring bidder meeting the specifications, Brycon Construction Limited, for a Total Tender Price of $3,147,000 (No HST, 100% recoverable) with funding from Project Account No. CQ220002 – Burnside and City of Lakes Industrial Park as outlined in the Discussion and Financial Implications sections of the staff report dated June 22, 2022;

2. Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to enter into agreements with and authorize payment to Ducks Unlimited Canada for the compensation of altering wetlands in Phase 13-2 and 13-3 for the amount of $480,350 (No HST Included, 100% recoverable); and payment to Halifax Water (HW) for inspection and review of the lift station infrastructure, in the amount of $15,735 (no HST Included, 100% recoverable) with funding from Project Account No. CQ220002 – Burnside and City of Lakes Industrial Park, as per the Background section of the staff report dated June 22, 2022.

15.1.7 Award – Tender 22-163 – Keshen Goodman Library Renovation [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:

1.Waive the requirement for the Audit and Finance Standing Committee to review and make a recommendation to Council regarding the withdrawal of funds from CI200002 Finance & HR Optimization Project and approve an increase to Capital Project Number CB190010 Keshen Goodman Library Renovations, in an amount of $2,765,310 (net HST included) for a total combined 2022/2023 Budget of $5,914,820 (net HST included) as per the Financial implications section of the staff report dated July 6, 2022.

2.Award Tender 22-163, Keshen Goodman Library Renovations to the lowest bidder meeting specification, Avondale Construction, for the amount of $7,183,609 (net HST included) with funding from Project Account No. CB190010 - Keshen Goodman Library Renovations and CB190008 - Energy Efficiency Initiatives, as outlined in the Financial Implications section of the staff report dated July 6, 2022.

15.1.8 Municipal Immigration Strategy - Part 2 
- Report [PDF]
- Presentation [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council approve and adopt the updated Immigration Strategy as set out in Attachment 1 of the staff report dated March 8, 2022.

15.1.9 Case 24239: Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law amendments for PID 40064875 on Youth Camp Road, Bayside (former Bayside Youth Camp) [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to:

1. Initiate a process to consider amendments to the Planning District 4 (Prospect) Municipal Planning Strategy to allow the development of single-unit dwellings on PID 40064875 located on Youth Camp Road, Bayside; and

2. Follow the public participation program for municipal planning strategy amendments as outlined within the Community Engagement section of the staff report dated June 24, 2022.

15.1.10 Case 23952: Sandy Lake Ecological Features Assessment [Large 10 Mb PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to:

1. Incorporate the analysis and findings of the Sandy Lake Ecological Features Assessment in the planning and development of Sandy Lake Park.

2. Review and use the findings of the Sandy Lake Ecological Features Assessment in the background studies being undertaken for the Sandy Lake Special Planning Area, including organizing the form and location of development to best protect:

a. the suggested widths for important corridors,

b. the suggested riparian and watercourse buffers, and

c. the identified areas of predicted old or mature forest.

3. Explore the use of conservation easements as part of the Sandy Lake Provincial Special Planning Area background studies to manage ecological features or corridors that extend outside of the conceptual park boundary.

4. Assess how to best organize land use and green infrastructure as part of the Sandy Lake Provincial Special Planning Area Background Watershed Study to mitigate any downstream impacts to the Sackville River and Sackville River Floodplain.

15.1.11 Proposed Administrative Order SC-100, Respecting Closure of a Portion of Banook Avenue Dartmouth and Less than Market Value License and Temporary Encroachment Agreement - Banook Canoe Club, Portions of PID’s 00094573 and 40941718, lands adjacent to 17 Banook Avenue, Dartmouth [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Approve Administrative Order SC-100 in Attachment “4” of the staff report dated June 25, 2022, to close that portion of Banook Avenue shown as Lot BA-1 on Attachment “2” of the staff report dated June 25, 2022.

2. Approve a less than market value land licence and temporary encroachment agreement with Banook Canoe Club Limited as per the general terms and conditions set out in Table 1 of the staff report dated June 25, 2022 and authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to finalize the necessary agreements and amendments and request the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute the final licence and temporary encroachment agreement.

15.1.12 Encroachment Agreement: 805 - 819 Bedford Highway, Halifax (United Gulf Developments)  [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council approve the encroachment in front of civic addresses 805 - 819 (PID 00428623) and the attached Encroachment License Agreement from the staff report dated June 21, 2022 for the parking lot, subject to non-substantive amendments, if any, allowing the infrastructure to remain within the street right of way and be owned and maintained by the Licensee, and authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute the attached Encroachment License Agreement from the staff report dated June 21, 2022 once finalized.

15.1.13 Case 22257: Regional Plan Review: Phase 3  [Large 61 Mb PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. give First Reading to consider the proposed amendments to the Regional Municipal Planning Strategy (Regional Plan), Secondary Municipal Planning Strategies (SMPSs), Land Use By-laws (LUBs), and the Regional Subdivision By-law (RSBL) as set out in Attachments A, B, C, and D of the staff report dated July 5, 2022 and schedule a public hearing; and

2. direct the Chief Administrative Officer to follow the revised work plan schedule as generally outlined in Attachment E – Regional Plan Work Plan and Attachments F and G – Site-Specific Requests of the staff report dated July 5, 2022. 

15.1.14 Region Wide Approach to Shared Housing  [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council give First Reading to the proposed amendments to the Regional Municipal Planning Strategy, all Secondary Municipal Planning Strategies and all Land Use By-laws, as set out in Attachments A, B and C of the staff report dated July 5, 2022, to establish consistent region wide policies and regulations for shared housing and schedule a public hearing.

15.1.15 Case 24242: Municipal Planning Strategy Amendments for Ledwidge Lumber at 195 Old Post Road, Enfield  [Large 13 Mb PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to:

1. Initiate a process to consider amendments to the Shubenacadie Lakes (Planning Districts 14 & 17) Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law to allow the expansion of Ledwidge Lumber at
195 Old Post Road, Enfield; and

2. Follow the public participation program for municipal planning strategy amendments as approved by Regional Council on February 27, 1997.

15.2.1 Sheet Harbour Marina Association Request for Funding* [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Provide a $50,000 grant to the Sheet Harbour Marina Association with funding from the Options Reserve (Q421); and

2. Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer or their designate to negotiate and execute a tripartite Contribution Agreement with the Sheet Harbour Marina Association and Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency including HRM’s contribution in the amount of $50,000 to engage professional services to complete a Marina Spatial Plan and Comprehensive Business Plan with respect to the development of a marina facility, substantially in the same form as Attachment 1 of the staff recommendation report dated May 18, 2022. 

15.2.2 2023 North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) Supplementary Funding Request Report* [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Approve a contribution, for a total of $429,500, in cash support from the 2022/2023 Community and Events Reserve, Q621 to the 2020 North American Indigenous Games Local Organizing Committee for additional costs associated with the delivery of the 2023 North American Indigenous Games; as described in the discussion section of the report dated June 24, 2022; and 

2. Authorize the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to execute a contribution agreement which includes the cash contribution, and up to $400,000 in Value-In-Kind support, dedicated to the delivery of the 2023 North American Indigenous Games.

15.3.1 First Reading Proposed By-Law N-207, an Amendment to By-Law N-200, Respecting Noise – Construction Related Noise*  [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council give first reading to By-law N-207, as set out in Attachment B of the May 20, 2022 staff report, to change the end hours for construction noise hours to 8 pm, Monday to Friday.

15.4.1 First Reading Proposed By-Law S-313, an Amendment to By-Law S-300, Respecting Streets – Crosswalk Flag Program – Testing Products and Governance*  [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council give first reading to By-law S-313, amending By-law S-300, the Streets By-law, as set out in Attachment 3 of the staff report dated June 3, 2022.

15.4.2 Evaluation of Updated 2008 HRM Vehicle Anti-Idling Policy* [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to: 

1. Maintain the current 2008 HRM Vehicle Anti-Idling Policy;

2. Increase collaboration between Business Units and Corporate Fleet to identify and reduce idling; and

3. Continue supporting HalifACT, which includes commitments for achieving net zero emissions by 2030 for municipal operations by transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs), switching to clean and reliable energy sources and reducing energy use in buildings, lighting, fleet, waste and water operations.

15.4.3 Bilingual Stop Signs on HRM Owned Streets* [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Endorse the letter of support template, included in Attachment 1 of the staff report dated May 4, 2022, to be used to indicate support for communities and / or groups in HRM that wish to apply to have bilingual (English / French) stop signs installed on Provincial roads within the Municipality as part of the Provincial funding program;

2. Support Option 3 as outlined in the discussion section of the staff report dated May 4, 2022, a targeted approach to replace existing stop signs with bilingual (English / French) stop signs on HRM owned streets in communities, neighbourhoods or near facilities identified by the Office of Diversity & Inclusion/ANSAIO through consultation with communities, as being established Acadian / francophone communities or are of demonstrated importance to the Acadian / francophone social, linguistic, and cultural identity; and

3. Authorize the Mayor to send a letter of support, included in Attachment 3 of the staff report dated May 4, 2022, to the Province in support of CSAP’s request to install bilingual stop signs in the vicinity of CSAP schools in HRM.

15.4.4 Protected Turn Movements for Pedestrian Safety* [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Prioritize evaluation of protected only left turns at the signalized intersections identified in the recommendations of the MicroTraffic report;
2. Prioritize evaluation of protected left and/or right turns at high vehicle and pedestrian volume signalized intersection locations in the next phase of the Strategic Road Safety Plan; and

3. Identify resource requirements (staffing, software, etc.) associated with implementing a protected only turn program for signalized intersections.

15.5.1 Case H00512: Request to Include 2287 Brunswick Street, Halifax in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality* [Large 16 Mb PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council set a date for a heritage hearing to consider the inclusion of 2287 Brunswick Street, Halifax in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality as shown on Map 1 of the May 3, 2022 staff report, as a municipal heritage property under the Heritage Property Act.

15.5.2 Case H00536: Request to Include 18 Wilfred Jackson Way, Westphal, in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality* [Large 18 Mb PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council set a date for a heritage hearing to consider the inclusion of 18 Wilfred Jackson Way, Westphal in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality as shown on Map 1 of the June 15, 2022 staff report, as a municipal heritage property under the Heritage Property Act.

15.5.3 Case H00537: Request to include 1102 Purcell’s Cove Road, Halifax in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality* [Large 11 Mb PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council set a date for a heritage hearing to consider the inclusion of 1102 Purcell’s Cove Road, Halifax in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality as shown on Map 1 of the June 9, 2022 staff report, as a municipal heritage property under the Heritage Property Act.

15.6.1 Councillor Mancini - Recreation Funding Access Application Process [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to provide a staff report regarding reducing barriers to recreation for vulnerable communities including barriers to using Recreation Funding Access Program from the Affordable Access Program.

15.6.2 Councillor Austin - Centre Plan Maximum Setbacks [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council request a staff report on incorporating maximum setbacks into the Centre and Downtown zones that aren’t currently designated as pedestrian oriented streets along with provisions to allow those maximum setbacks to be varied.

16.1 Councillor Russell

That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to prepare a report to determine what is required for HRM to host hybrid meetings: a) in Council chambers, b) for community council meetings, and c) for other public meetings around the community, as well as a budget and an action plan to develop and implement this and return to Council with this report in three months. This report should consider personnel requirements, technical requirements, legislative requirements, and other requirements that may have an impact on our ability to deliver these services.

16.2 Councillor Russell
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to prepare a report to define “tiny homes” and for the by-law changes to allow tiny homes in every planning area outside the regional centre.
This item was deleted from the agenda

Council may rise and go into a private In Camera session, in accordance with Section 19     of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter, for the purpose of dealing with the following:
17.1 LABOUR RELATIONS – Private and Confidential Report
A matter pertaining to reports, advice and recommendations, instruction or direction to officers and employees of the Municipality concerning labour relations and employee negotiations arising out of the contract or contract negotiations with one of the Municipalities unions.
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated June 10, 2022; and 

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated June 10, 2022 be maintained private and confidential. 

17.2 PERSONNEL MATTER – Private and Confidential Report
A matter pertaining to an identifiable individual or group.
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated June 30, 2022; and 

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated June 30, 2022 be maintained private and confidential. 

17.3 PERSONNEL MATTER – Private and Confidential Report
A matter pertaining to an identifiable individual or group.
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated June 30, 2022; and 

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated June 30, 2022 be maintained private and confidential. 

17.4 PERSONNEL MATTER – Private and Confidential Report
A matter pertaining to an identifiable individual or group.
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated July 4, 2022; and 

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated July 4, 2022 be maintained private and confidential. 

17.5 PERSONNEL MATTER – Private and Confidential Report
A matter pertaining to an identifiable individual or group.
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated July 4, 2022; and 

2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated July 4, 2022 be maintained private and confidential. 



18.1 Councillor Deagle Gammon - Gravel Road Paving Program for HRM Owned Roads [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to:

1. Provide a staff report evaluating a potential Gravel Road Paving Program for HRM-owned roads that considers an annual funding allocation and the following prioritization criteria:  
a. Cost-benefit of paving

b. Existing road condition and level of maintenance

c. Road classification

d. Traffic volume

e. Storm water management

f. Winter maintenance

g. Surrounding public amenities such as parks, schools, lake access, etc.; and further

2. Undertake pre-engineering work on HRM gravel roads, in accordance with Regional Council’s current approved prioritization criteria, to ensure that Regional Council can consider paving up to $500K of HRM gravel roads as part of the 2023/24 budget process.

18.2 Councillor Mason - 1245 Edward Street
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Waive the requirement for notice of motion under Administrative Order One section 49 (1); and

2. Conditional on the Heritage Advisory Committee making a recommendation on 1245 Edward Street, pursuant to the Heritage Protection Act, direct the Office of the Municipal Clerk to schedule a heritage hearing within the statutory notice period as provided by the Act, and serve notice on the property owner, as provided by the Act.

Council may rise and go into a private In Camera session, in accordance with Section 19     of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter, for the purpose of dealing with the following:

17.6 PROPERTY MATTER - Private and Confidential Report
A matter pertaining to providing instruction and direction to officers and employees of the Municipality pertaining to the acquisition / sale of land. 
That Halifax Regional Council:

1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential report dated July 5, 2022; and 
2. Direct that the private and confidential report dated July 5, 2022 be maintained private and confidential. 




July 12, 2022

1. Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer dated May 25, 2022 re: Management of Surplus Buildings and Land – April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 [PDF]

2. Proclamation – World Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia (PVNH) Disorder Awareness Day – August 7, 2022 [PDF]

3. Memorandum from the Municipal Clerk dated July 4, 2022 re: Requests for Presentation to Council – None [PDF]

4. Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer dated May 25, 2022 re: Guidelines for Grass Cutting and Tree Trimming [PDF]

5. Memorandum from the Chair of the Audit and Finance Standing Committee dated June 27, 2022 re: Investment Activities - Quarter Ending March 31, 2022 [PDF]