There are many dedicated youth spaces within the municipality. These spaces center youth in the design and operations of the space. There are two types of youth spaces: youth centres and youth rooms!
Youth rooms are within Municipal Recreation Centres and offer programming and drop-in time for youth to participate in.
Youth Centres are spaces for youth to hangout with friends while also having access to other support and services.
Check out the information below!

Multi-Service Youth Centres (MSYC) take a collaborative approach to the delivery of youth programs and services. Parks and Recreation and Community-based organizations together to achieve common goals:
• Removal of barriers of access around mental and physical health
• Provision and implementation of various drop in programs
• Creation of youth services that are inclusive for all youth
• Design of physical spaces that are open and welcoming to youth
• Policies and best practices for service delivery of youth programs
• Use of partnerships to deliver on non-HRM programs and services
These dedicated youth spaces offer young people a place to find support and services and a place to hang out with friends!
The Den Multi-Service Youth Centre is a safe and inclusive space for youth located in the lower level of the Acadia Centre at 636 Sackville Drive.
Spryfield Multi-Service Youth Centre is a safe and inclusive space for youth located on the middle level of the Captain Spry Community Centre at 16 Sussex Street, Halifax.

The Power House Youth Centre located at 1606 Bell Road, Halifax, serves as a place for youth to gather, learn, and connect with others.
Call: 902-490-4309
Text: 902-266-7451
email: powerhouseyouthcentre@halifax.ca
DM us on Instagram: @hfxnextgen

26 Elliot Street, Dartmouth, NS
The Findlay Youth room is open Friday's 6-9pm for youth night. The space has multiple entertainment/gaming areas; a variety of rearrangeable tables and chairs to accommodate diverse activities; soft seating; art gallery spaces; board games; popcorn maker; arcade machine; air hockey; Youth Staff Office.
Need more info? Contact creighl@halifax.ca
Register online to attend! (It's FREE)
Registration code: 00038273

1359 Fall River Road, Fall River, NS
Open Friday nights 5:30-8:30 pm
The space has Fooze ball, Air hockey, board games, video games & TV, white board, lounge furniture.
Register online to attend! (It's FREE)
Registration code: 00037165
Youth can register online or by calling our front desk at 902 860-4570, #00037165. (ages 12-15)

202 Innovation Drive, Bedford, NS
The Bedford-Hammonds Plains Community Centre is currently transforming a former preschool space into a Youth Space where youth from the Bedford community will be able to access this room for a quite/study space during the lunch time & afterschool hours and youth drop ins a few evenings a week.
- Table Tennis
- Foosball
- Smart TV
- Nintendo Switch
- Cellphone Charging station
- Board Games
- Comfortable Seating
- Warm and inviting atmosphere
- Kitchenette

Horizons Recreation Centre
168 Redoubt Way, Eastern Passage, NS
Youth Night
Ages: 12-16
Date: Every Friday night
Time: 6-9 p.m.
Cost: Free
Open gym to use sporting equipment, or youth room to do a craft, play video games, study, or play board games. Wifi and snacks too! This is a drop-in program, so just sign in with the front desk when you arrive.

2502 Brunswick Street, Halifax
George Dixon Recreation Centre's youth spaces.
Days & Hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays 6pm – 10pm
Register: No registration required, just show up!
Space: Two locations in the building:
1- Has couches, a couple computers, a couple screens for gaming.
2- Two tables (board room style) chairs, Drop down screen, gaming unit.