Conventional Bicycle Lanes provide a designated space for people to cycle on Halifax’s streets, often in the same direction as traffic. Depending on the street, some people do not feel safe or comfortable cycling in Conventional Bicycle Lanes.
Conventional Bicycle Lanes may have the following features:
- A painted white line to define the bicycle lane
- Pavement markings
- Signs to legally designate the bike lane
- A painted buffer to create space between the bicycle lane and vehicle traffic, where space permits
Safety & Etiquette for People Cycling
Always respect pedestrian crossings and yield to anyone crossing the street at an intersection or crosswalk
Pass other people in the bicycle lane only when it is safe to do so (use your bike bell before passing)
If travelling after dark, use your front and rear lights to make sure you are visible
Be sure to signal your intentions to people driving, especially in places where the same movements are not permitted for vehicles