September 22, 2020 Halifax Regional Council Special Meeting


Time: 10:00 a.m., Reconvene 6:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting




2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – September 1, 2020



That Halifax Regional Council approve the following items: 11.1.11, 11.1.12, 11.1.15, 11.1.17, 11.1.18, 11.1.22 and 11.3.1





8.1 Case H00480 - Request to Include 2539 Agricola Street, Halifax in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality [PDF]
      - Staff Presentation [PDF]
      - Applicant Presentation [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council approve the request to include 2539 Agricola Street, Halifax, as shown on Map 1 of the May 11, 2020 staff report, in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality as a municipal heritage property.

8.2 Case H00481 - Request to Include 5988 University Avenue, Halifax in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality [PDF]
       - Staff Presentation [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council approve the request to include 5988 University Avenue, Halifax, as shown on Map 1 of the April 17, 2020 staff report, in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality as a municipal heritage property.

8.3 Case H00484 - Request to Include 2500 Creighton Street, Halifax in the Municipal Registry of Heritage Properties [PDF]
       - Staff Presentation [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council approve the request to include 2500 Creighton Street, Halifax, as shown on Map 1 of the April 17, 2020 staff report, in the Registry of Heritage Property for the Halifax Regional Municipality as a municipal heritage property.

8.4 Case 22367 - Amendments to the Cole Harbour Westphal Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law for 272 Auburn Drive, Westphal 
        - Staff Presentation [PDF]
        - Applicant Presentation [PDF
That Halifax Regional Council adopt the proposed amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law for Cole Harbour/Westphal, as set out in Attachments A and B of the staff report dated March 26, 2020, to remove commercial uses and enable residential uses at 272 Auburn Drive.

8.5 Administrative Order 50 Disposal of Surplus Real Property – PID 00424358 - 948 Pockwock Road, Upper Hammonds Plains [PDF]
       - Staff Presentation [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council approve the sale of 948 Pockwock Road, Upper Hammonds Plains, identified as PID 00424358, to the Upper Hammonds Plains Community Development Association, and authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to negotiate an agreement of purchase and sale, to be executed by the Mayor and Clerk on behalf of the Municipality, as per the terms and conditions outlined in Table 1 of the staff report dated July 15, 2020.

8.6 Case 20756 - Amendments to the Dartmouth Municipal Planning Strategy for 246 Waverley Road and 2 and 4 Montebello Drive, Dartmouth [Large 10 MB PDF]
      - Staff Presentation [PDF]
      - Applicant Presentation [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council adopt the amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy for Dartmouth as set out in Attachment A of the June 1, 2020 staff report, to re-designate lands at the southeast corner of Waverley Road and Montebello Drive (Civic 246 Waverley Road, and 2 and 4 Montebello Drive), to the WR Mixed-Use sub-designation.

9.1 Correspondence 
9.2 Petitions
9.3 Presentations – Halifax Partnership
9.3.1 Halifax Covid-19 Economic Response and Recovery Plan Update
         - Presentation [PDF]
9.3.2 Road to Economic Prosperity - African Nova Scotian Economic Action Plan
Presentation [PDF]


11.1.1 Proposed Administrative Order SC-98, Respecting Closure of a Portion of Shore Road, Eastern Passage – Parcel A 
That Halifax Regional Council adopt Administrative Order SC-98, Respecting Closure of a Portion of Shore Road, Eastern Passage as shown in Attachment “B” of the staff report dated July 14, 2020, to close that portion of Shore Road shown as Parcel A on Attachment “A” of the staff report dated July 14, 2020. 

11.1.2 Proposed Administrative Order SC-97, Respecting Closure of a Portion of Elizabeth Drive, Halifax – Parcel C [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council adopt Administrative Order SC-97, Respecting Closure of a Portion of Elizabeth Drive, Halifax as shown in Attachment “B” of the staff report dated July 14, 2020, to close that portion of Elizabeth Drive shown as Parcel C on Attachment “A” of the staff report dated July 14, 2020.

11.1.3 Second Reading Proposed By-law P-508, an Amendment to By-laws P-500 and P-507, Respecting Parking Meters for the Regulation of Parking of Vehicles Left Standing in the Halifax Regional Municipality - Parking Fine Increase [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Adopt By-law P-508, Respecting Parking Meters for the Regulation of Parking of Vehicles Left Standing in the Halifax Regional Municipality, set out as Attachment B of the staff report dated July 16, 2020, the purpose of which is to:
(a)   amend section 17 of By-law P-500, the Parking Meter By-law; and
(b)  amend By-Law P-507 to correct a typo.
2. Direct the Municipal Clerk to delay publishing By-law P-508, Respecting Parking Meters for the Regulation of Parking of Vehicles Left Standing in the Halifax Regional Municipality until advised by the Chief Administrative Officer to proceed with publication. 

11.1.4 Second Reading Proposed By-law G-200, Respecting Grade Alteration and Stormwater Management Associated with Land Development; First Reading Proposed By-law L-402, an Amendment to By-law L-400, Respecting Lot Grading; First Reading Proposed By-law S-701, an Amendment to By-law S-700, Respecting Swimming Pools; Proposed Administrative Order 2020-010-OP, Respecting Stormwater Management Standards for Development Activities and Proposed Amendments to Administrative Order 15, Respecting License, Permit and Processing Fees [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Adopt By-law G-200, Respecting Grade Alteration and Stormwater Management Associated with Land Development, as set out in Attachment A of the staff report dated July 10, 2020, the purpose of which is to set out grade alteration standards for the Municipality and to replace the following By-laws:
a) former Town of Bedford By-law 23290, Respecting the Movement of Topsoil, the Movement of Earth and the Alteration of the Grade of Land, 
b) Halifax County Municipality By-law 40, Respecting the Regulations and Controls of the Removal and Movement of Topsoil and Earth and the Alteration of the Grade of the Land, and
c) Halifax County Municipality By-law 41, Respecting Gravel Pits and Excavations;
2. Adopt Administrative Order 2020-010-OP, Respecting Stormwater Management Standards for Development Activities as set out in Attachment B of the staff report dated July 10, 2020;
3. Adopt By-law L-402, Respecting Lot Grading, the purpose of which is to amend By-law L-400, as set out in Attachment D of the staff report dated July 10, 2020; 
4. Adopt By-law S-701, Respecting Swimming Pools, the purpose of which is to amend By-law S-700, as set out in Attachment F of the staff report dated July 10, 2020.
5. Adopt amendments to Administrative Order 15, Respecting License, Permit and Processing Fees, to add Table 26, the fees for By-law G-200, as set out in Attachment G of the staff report dated July 10, 2020. 

11.1.5 Second Reading Proposed By-law T-1004, an Amendment to By-law T-1000, Respecting the Regulation of Taxis, Accessible Taxis and Limousines and Proposed Amendments to Administrative Order 15, Respecting License, Permit and Processing Fees - Taxi Broker, Transportation Network Companies (TNC) and Appeals-Related Amendments [PDF]
         - Staff Presentation [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Adopt By-law T-1004, Respecting the Regulation of Taxis, Accessible Taxis and Limousines, the purpose of which is to amend By-law T-1000, the Halifax Regional Municipality Taxi and Limousine By-law as set out in Attachment 2 of the staff report dated July 10, 2020.
2. Adopt amendments to Administrative Order 15, Respecting License, Permit and Processing Fees, as set out in Attachment 4 of the staff report dated July 10, 2020;
3. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to establish a staff board, pursuant to Section 6.2 of the Public Appointment Policy Staff Review, consisting of the Manager of Buildings and Compliance (or designate), the Municipal Solicitor (or designate), the Deputy Municipal Clerk, and the Chief Administrative Officer (or designate) to review applications to the Taxi License Appeal Committee and bring forward recommendations to Regional Council.

11.1.6 Second Reading Proposed By-law S-311, an Amendment to By-law S-300, Respecting Streets [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council adopt By-law S-311, Respecting Streets as set out in Attachment B of the staff report dated June 9, 2020, the purpose of which is to amend By-law S-300, Respecting Streets, to
1) broaden the Engineer’s power to grant Annual Permits, and
2) remove gender specific language. 

11.1.7 Second Reading Proposed By-law S-449, an Amendment to By-law S-400, Respecting Charges for Street Improvements - Provincial Aid-to-Municipality Program [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Suspend the rules of procedure under Schedule 7 of the Transportation Standing Committee Terms of Reference under Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order; and,
2. Adopt By-law S-449, Respecting Charges for Street Improvements, further amending By-law S-400, the Street Improvement By-law, as set out in Attachment A of the staff report dated August 11, 2020.

11.1.8 Proposed Amendments to Administrative Order 2019-005-ADM, Respecting the Establishment and Use of Community Area Rates in the Halifax Regional Municipality [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council adopt the amendment to Administrative Order Number 2019-005-ADM, the Community Area Rates Administrative Order, as set out in Attachment 2 of the staff report dated July 20, 2020.

11.1.9 Proposed Amendments to Administrative Order 53, Respecting Alcohol in Municipally Owned and Operated Facilities and at Municipal Events - Addition of Sites [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council adopt the amendments to Schedule A of Administrative Order 53 (the Municipal Alcohol Policy), as set out in Attachment 1 of the staff report dated August 17, 2020, to add:
1. the lower eastern portion of Leighton Dillman Park adjacent to the Community Oven; Dartmouth Ferry Terminal Park; and the South Common Triangle to the list of Municipally Owned, Operated and Scheduled Public Spaces; and
2. Beaver Bank-Kinsac (#1 and #2), Eddie Leblanc (#1 and #2), Greenough, Mount Edward Road (#1) and Harold W. Conrad Memorial (#2) diamonds to the list of Municipally Owned, Operated and Scheduled Athletic Fields, Baseball Diamonds, and Facilities Suitable for Adult League Tournament Play. 

11.1.10 Proposed Amendments to Administrative Order 2014-001-ADM, Tax Relief to Non-Profit Organizations Administrative Order – Tax Relief to Non-Profit Organizations - Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Part 1- Proposed Amendments to Schedules [PDF]
(i) Information Report - Tax Relief for Non-Profit Organizations Program – Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Part 2 Proposed Renewals [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Suspend the rules of Procedures under Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order, under Schedule 2 the Audit and Finance Standing Committee Terms of Reference;
2. Approve renewal of tax relief for 763 properties as listed in Schedules 26 to 30 as itemized in the Information Report “Tax Relief for Non-Profit Organizations Program - Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Part 2 Proposed Renewals” dated July 31, 2020, effective April 1, 2020 unless stated otherwise, at an estimated combined cost of $4,295,800 from Operating Account M311-8006;
3. Approve an increase in level of tax relief for two (2) properties at an estimated incremental cost of $4,600 from Operating Account M311-8006;
4. Approve the addition of forty-six (46) properties to Administrative Order 2014-001-ADM, Tax Relief to Non-Profit Organizations Administrative Order as detailed in the Discussion section of the staff report dated July 31, 2020 at an estimated combined cost of $96,700 from Operating Account M311-8006; 
5. Approve a grant equivalent to the award previously received under the tax relief program for three (3) properties at an estimated combined cost of $30,100 from Operating Account M311-8006; and
6. Adopt the amendments to Administrative Order 2014-001-ADM, Tax Relief to Non-Profit Organizations Administrative Order as set out in Attachment 2 of the staff report dated July 31, 2020, including
a) adopting Attachments A through E attached to Attachment 1 of the staff report dated July 31, 2020 to repeal and replace Schedules 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 of the Administrative Order; and
b) temporarily suspending the pro-rated deductions for late renewals in fiscal year 2020/2021 due to Covid-19.   

11.1.11 Kingswood North – Viscount Run Park – Park Plan[PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council adopt the Kingswood North – Viscount Run Park Planning Report as a guiding document for future improvements to Viscount Run Park.

11.1.12 Potential Dog Off-Leash Area in Governors Brook Subdivision and Work Program Update* [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administration Officer (CAO) to:
1. Assess the suitability of a shared dog off-leash area along a section of trail within McIntosh Run Regional Park, pursuant to Administrative Order 2017-013-OP, Respecting Off-Leash Dog Areas Within Parks and including public consultation, and report back to Regional Council.
2. Continue to implement the off-leash work program as outlined in the staff report dated June 30, 2020.

11.1.13 Funding Request - Develop Nova Scotia Public Art Proposal [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administration Officer (CAO) to include the requested funding from Develop Nova Scotia for consideration as part of the Municipality’s 2021-2022 budget planning process, providing that the Municipality receives confirmation that the balance of funding required to purchase the artwork has been secured from other government funders and private fundraising.

11.1.14 Proposed Administrative Order 2020-007-ADM, Respecting Incentive or Bonus Zoning Public Benefits and Proposed Administrative Order 2020-008-ADM, Respecting Grants for Affordable Housing - Incentive or Bonus Zoning Reserve [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council suspend the rules of procedure under Schedule 2, the Audit and Finance Standing Committee Terms of Reference, of Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order and
1. Approve the creation of the Incentive or Bonus Zoning Reserve based on the business case, as set out in Attachment A of the staff report dated August 25, 2020;
2. Adopt Administrative Order 2020-007-ADM, Respecting Incentive or Bonus Zoning Public Benefits, as set out in Attachment B of the staff report dated August 25, 2020; and
3. Adopt Administrative Order 2020-008-ADM, Respecting Grants for Affordable Housing, as set out in Attachment C of the staff report dated August 25, 2020. 

11.1.15 Case 22726 - Municipal Planning Strategy Amendments for 16 Rutledge Street, Bedford[PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to:
1. Initiate a process to consider amendments to the Bedford Municipal Planning Strategy and Bedford Land Use By-law to rezone 16 Rutledge Street in Bedford from the Residential Two Unit Zone to the Residential Multiple Unit Zone; and
2. Follow the public participation program as outlined in the Community Engagement section of the staff report dated August 25, 2020.

11.1.16 Proposed Administrative Order 2020-012-OP, Respecting Streetscaping in the Regional Centre - Regional Centre Streetscaping Administrative Order [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Suspend the rules of procedure under Schedule 3, the Community Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee Terms of Reference, of Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order; and
2. Adopt Administrative Order 2020-012-OP, the Regional Centre Streetscaping Administrative Order as set out in Attachment #2 of the staff report dated August 24, 2020.

11.1.17 Homes for Heroes Foundation, Clustered Tiny Homes and Surplus Municipal Land for Affordable Housing[PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to:
1. Consider developing planning policies to enable clustered tiny home developments through the By-law Simplification program, Regional Plan Review and Land Leased Community By-law review; and  
2. Explore the five approaches, outlined in the Discussion section and Acquisition of Municipal Land sub-section of the staff report dated August 26, 2020, regarding potential approaches to leveraging surplus municipal land for affordable housing. 

11.1.18 Increase to Contract – RFP (Request for Proposal) No. 18-314 – Englobe and Crandall Engineering Limited - Burnside Phase 13 Detailed Design[PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council approve an increase to the contract with Englobe / Crandall Engineering Limited (PO 2070810368) in the amount of $191,376 (no HST included, 100% recoverable) with funding from Project CQ000008 – Burnside and City of Lakes Development, as outlined in the Financial Implications section of the staff report dated September 3, 2020.

11.1.19 HRM Parks Washrooms and Drinking Fountains Strategy [Large 40 MB PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Approve the HRM Washrooms & Drinking Fountains Strategy and associated Addendum as a framework for municipal decision-making regarding washrooms and drinking fountains to support the recreational use of parks; and
2. Direct the Chief Administration Officer (CAO) to prepare annual business plans for washrooms and drinking fountain projects for consideration in the annual capital budgets on the basis of the 6.6 Alternative Budget as identified in the HRM Washrooms & Drinking Fountains Strategy.

11.1.20 Case 22423 – Regulation of Short-Term Rentals [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council suspend the rules of procedure under Schedule 3, the Community Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee Terms of Reference of Administrative Order One, the Procedures of the Council Administrative Order, and direct the Chief Administrative Officer to:
1. Initiate a process to amend the Regional Plan and all applicable secondary municipality planning strategies and land use by-laws to establish consistent regional wide policies, definitions and regulations for short-term rentals in residential areas consistent with the direction set out in the Discussion section of the staff report dated August 26, 2020; 
2. Develop short-term rental registration requirements consistent with the direction set out in the Discussion section of the staff report dated August 26, 2020;  
3. Follow the public participation program for municipal planning strategy amendments as set out in the Community Engagement section of the staff report dated August 26, 2020; and
4. Request the Mayor write a letter to the Province to request the required amendments to the Halifax Regional Municipality Marketing Levy Act to enable the Municipality to apply the marketing levy to operations consisting of less than 20 rooms or rental units.

11.1.21 Dartmouth Cove Project – Development Charges [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to draft a Development Charge By-Law to fund 50% of the net project cost as described in the Financial Implications section of the staff report dated August 25, 2020, for the design and construction of the Dundas Street extension and bridge, and return to Council for consideration. 

11.1.22 Administrative Order 50, Respecting the Disposal of Surplus Real Property - Community Interest Category - 64 True North Crescent, Dartmouth, PID 40414187; 67 True North Crescent, Dartmouth, PID 40414161; 80 True North Crescent, Dartmouth, PID 40414179; 91 True North Crescent, Dartmouth, PID 40414146[PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council set a date for a public hearing to consider the sale of 64 True North Crescent, Dartmouth, PID 40414187; 67 True North Crescent, Dartmouth, PID 40414161; 80 True North Crescent, Dartmouth, PID 40414179; and 91 True North Crescent, Dartmouth, PID 40414146; to the Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia as per the terms and conditions outlined in Table 2 of the staff report dated July 28, 2020. 

11.1.23 Proposed Amendments to Administrative Order 2020-004-ADM, Procurement Administrative Order - Fair Wage/Living Wage and Social Value Framework [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Approve the adoption of a Supplier Code of Conduct (including Living Wage requirements) as per Attachment A of the staff report dated September 3, 2020, with an effective date of April 1, 2021;
2. Approve the adoption of a Social Value Framework as per Attachment B of the staff report dated September 3, 2020, with an effective date of April 1, 2021;
3. Direct the Chief Administrative Order to investigate possibilities for the adoption of a Green Market incubation program similar to the City of Toronto’s Green Market Accelerator program as a part of HalifAct 2050 as included as Attachment C of the staff report dated September 3, 2020; and
4. Adopt the amendments to Administrative Order 2020-004-ADM, the Procurement Administrative Order, as set out in Attachment D of the staff report dated September 3, 2020.

11.1.24 Road to Economic Prosperity - African Nova Scotian Economic Action Plan [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council: 
1. Endorse the African Nova Scotian Road to Economic Prosperity Action Plan in alignment with Action #12 of years 3 to 5 of the Halifax Economic Growth Plan; 
2. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer include $175,000 for each of years 1 and 2 of the African Nova Scotian Road to Prosperity Economic Action Plan in the 2021/22 and 2022/23 Budget process (attachment 2 of the staff report dated August 1, 2020); 
3. Direct Halifax Partnership and African Nova Scotian Affairs Integration Office (ANSAIO) to return to Council on a triannual basis to report on the progress of plan’s implementation.

11.2.1 Assistance for the Beirut Explosion 
That Halifax Regional Council: 
1. Provide a donation of $100,000 toward Beirut explosion assistance. Funds will be provided through the Lebanese Consulate to the Canadian Red Cross, which is currently supporting humanitarian efforts in Beirut as a result of the explosion. Funds will come from the General Contingency Reserve Q421.
2. Provide in-kind support by allowing registered Canadian charitable organizations currently collecting donations for Beirut, such as the Canadian Red Cross, to set up donation collection sites at HRM owned and operated facilities and use HRM social media channels to promote donation collection sites. 
3. Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to establish a fair and transparent program to assess and evaluate future financial requests that support national and/or international disaster relief efforts. This program would outline a maximum funding limit, eligibility criteria and a detailed assessment of the proposal submitted, evaluation of the proposal based on linkage to municipal objectives, mandate and priorities, and an exploration of potential funding options.

11.3.1 Implementation of North End ‘AAA’ Bikeway Phase One and West End ‘AAA’ Bikeway (NEWEB)
[Large 19 MB PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Approve the implementation of 2.4km of bicycle facilities and related changes to the right of way along the North End All Ages and Abilities (AAA) Bikeway route Phase One between North Ridge Road and Bloomfield Street as described in the ‘Discussion’ section of the staff report dated July 28, 2020. 
2. Approve the implementation of 2.0km of bicycle facilities and related changes to the right of way along the West End All Ages and Abilities (AAA) Bikeway route between Windsor Street, Bayers Road, and the West End Mall as described in the ‘Discussion’ section of the staff report dated July 28, 2020.

11.4.1 Councillor Mancini - Residential Rodent Rebate Pilot Project 
That Regional Council request a staff report examining the possibility of a pilot program providing rebates for rodent control on residential properties.

11.4.2 Councillor Nicoll - Historic Areas of Cole Harbour Cultural Landscape [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to consider the inclusion of the historic areas of Cole Harbour as a potential cultural landscape through the secondary planning process, and that historic community boundaries in the area be researched and delineated as part of the background study and any resulting interpretive signage program.

11.4.3 Councillor Nicoll – Display and Consumer/Family Fireworks in HRM [PDF]
That Halifax Regional Council request that the Chief Administrative Officer prepare a report and jurisdictional scan on the regulation and safe use of “Display” and “Consumer/Family” Fireworks in HRM.  

12.1 Deputy Mayor Blackburn

That Halifax Regional Council request a staff report on allowing Market Gardens in all areas of HRM. The goal is to allow all areas of HRM to permit the growing of produce for not only personal use, but for sale at local farm markets similar to what is permitted under the Centre Plan and in Vancouver ( 

12.2 Councillor Adams

That Halifax Regional Council request a staff report that HRM not renew land leases with the province related to parks and recreation; unless such leases are to be renewed at no more than $1.00 per annum.

Council may rise and go into a private In Camera session, in accordance with Section 19     of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter, for the purpose of dealing with the following:
13.1 In Camera (In Private) Minutes – September 1, 2020

That the In Camera (In Private) minutes of September 1, 2020 be approved as circulated.

13.2 PERSONNEL MATTER – Private and Confidential Report 
A matter pertaining to an identifiable individual or group.
That Halifax Regional Council convene to in camera to discuss the matter. 

13.3 PUBLIC SECURITY - Private and Confidential Report
A matter pertaining to public security.
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential staff report dated September 11, 2020; and 
2. Not release the private and confidential staff report dated September 11, 2020 to the public.

13.4 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS – Private and Confidential Report
A matter pertaining to contract negotiations and legal advice. 
That Halifax Regional Council:
1. Adopt the recommendations as outlined in the private and confidential staff report dated August 19, 2020; and 
2. Not release the private and confidential staff report dated August 19, 2020 to the public.



September 22, 2020


1. Memorandum from the Acting Municipal Clerk dated September 14, 2020 re: Requests for Presentation to Council - None [PDF]

2. Proclamation – Overdose Awareness Day – August 31, 2020 [PDF]

3. Proclamation – Prostate Cancer Awareness Month – September 2020 [PDF]

4. Proclamation – Dignified Living Month – September 2020 [PDF]

5. Proclamation – Nova Scotia Polish Heritage Month – September 2020 [PDF]

6. Proclamation – Terry Fox Run Day – September 20, 2020 [PDF]

7. Proclamation – Medic Monday – September 28, 2020 [PDF]

8. Proclamation – Right to Know Week – September 28 - October 4, 2020 [PDF]

9. Proclamation – Engineers Nova Scotia Day – October 14, 2020 [PDF]

10. Proclamation – HMCS Kootenay Day – October 23, 2020 [PDF]

11. Proclamation – Respiratory Therapy Week – October 25-31, 2020 [PDF]

12. Proclamation - Turkish Republic Day – October 29, 2020 [PDF]

13. Proclamation – Arthritis Awareness Month – September 2020 [PDF]

14. Proclamation – Wrongful Conviction Day – October 2, 2020 [PDF]

15. Memorandum from the Director of Corporate and Customer Services dated August 26, 2020 re: Management of Surplus Buildings and Land – April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020 [PDF]

16. Memorandum from the Director of Planning and Development dated August 6, 2020 re: Update on JustFOOD - Action Plan for the Halifax Region [PDF]

17. Memorandum from the Director of Parks and Recreation dated August 31, 2020 re: Revised QEII Parkade Plan and Granting of Municipal Easement [PDF]