Legislation & By-laws

The Halifax Regional Municipality Charter is the primary legislation under which the municipality operates. This section includes links to all Administrative Orders and By-laws for the entire municipality, including those from pre-amalgamation which are still in effect.

View all legislation below, or choose a category:
-Halifax Regional Municipality By-laws
-Administrative Orders
-Administrative Order Street Closures
-City of Dartmouth By-Laws
-City of Halifax Ordinances
-Town of Bedford By-Laws
-Halifax County Municipality By-Laws
-Land Use By-Laws
-Winter Parking Regulations [PDF]

For pre-amalgamation legislation which has been repealed, contact the Municipal Archives.

Search legislation


Legislation Number Legislation Name By-Law Category
27 Materials That Shall Not Be Disposed Of In A C&D Disposal Site Administrative Orders
29 Civic Addressing Policies Administrative Orders
30 Dangerous and Unsightly Premises Administrative Order Administrative Orders
32 By-law Development Administrative Order Administrative Orders
33 Respecting Open Air Burning Administrative Orders
36 2005 Temporary Tax Credit Policy Administrative Orders
39 Taxi and Limousine Regulation Administrative Order Administrative Orders
46 Asset Naming Administrative Order Administrative Orders
47 Business Improvement District Administrative Order Administrative Orders
48 Community Council Administrative Order Administrative Orders
49 Settlement of Claims Administrative Order Administrative Orders
50 Disposal of Surplus Real Property Administrative Order Administrative Orders
51 The Private Bridges Administrative Order Administrative Orders
53 The Municipal Alcohol Policy Administrative Orders
54 The Procedures for the Development of Administrative Orders Administrative Orders
55 Administrative Order 55, the HRM Sponsorship Administrative Order Administrative Orders
56 Administrative Order Number 56, the HRM Sale of Naming Rights Administrative Order Administrative Orders
57 Administrative Order 57, the Community Council Repeal Administrative Order Administrative Orders
58 Delegation of Certain Authorities Administrative Order Administrative Orders
SC-01 Closure of Kline Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-02 Closure of the Old Bedford Road Right-of-Way Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-03 Closure of Parcel X, Purcell's Cove Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-04 Closure of a Portion of the Rockhaven Drive Right-of-Way Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-05 Closure of a Portion of the Dartmouth Road Right of Way Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-06 Closure of Parcel Y-2, Titus Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-07 Closure of the Milo Street Reserve Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-08 Closure of a Portion of the Stokil Drive Right of Way Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-10 Closure of Parcel GS-1, Portion of Garrick Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-100 Closure of a Portion of Banook Avenue Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-101 Closure of a Portion of Parkstone Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-102 Closure of a Portion of Windmill Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-103 Closure of Almon Lane, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-104 Closure of Parcel Cl-B Right of Way Cogswell District Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-12 Closure of Parcel B, Portion of Williams Lake Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-13 Closure of a Portion of Green Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-14 Closure of Isleview Lane Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-15 Closure of a Portion of Robie Street, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-16 Closure Of A Portion Of Forest Hills Parkway And Highway #7 And Panavista Drive Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-17 Closure of Parcel A, Portion of Cedar Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-18 Closure of a Portion of Prince Albert Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-19 Closure of a Portion of India Road and Nivens Avenue, Dartmouth Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-20 Closure of a Portion of 263 Waverley Road, Dartmouth Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-21 Closure of a Portion of Douglas Avenue, Parcel D, Halifax Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-22 Closure of Braemar Drive Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-23 Closure of Duck Pond Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-24 Closure of a Portion of Maple Street, Bedford Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-25 Closure of a Portion of Kearney Lake Road Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-26 Closure of a Portion of Memorial Drive Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-27 Closure of a Portion of Lower Water Street Administrative Order Street Closures
SC-28 Closure of a Portion of Idlwylde Road Administrative Order Street Closures