Spring 2021 update
Three Pagoda Dogwood trees, Five Butterfly bushes and 13 Summersweet* shrubs have been added along with more wildflower seeds. The seeds include Wallflower, Yarrow, Evening Primrose, Beebalm, Coreopsis and many more.
*The concept plan called for Dwarf Honeysuckle but we were unable to source them.

Concept Plan

Leighton Dillman Park Naturalization Draft Concept Plan
Halifax Parks & Recreation has selected an area within Leighton Dillman Park (see location map) as one of three naturalization pilot sites within the municipality. Naturalization can improve habitat for birds and pollinators (see draft concept). The new naturalized landscape will include flowering perennials, shrubs, and trees such as Pagoda dogwood.

Leighton Dillman Park Location Map