Rehab Lands on Bissett Road site plan
New Park on Bissett Road, Cole Harbour N.S.
The Municipality is developing a new park on the Rehab Lands, the former site of the Halifax County Rehabilitation Centre. Regional Council approved the Rehab Lands Park Plan in May 2023 as a guiding document for developing the park. You can read the Rehab Lands Park Plan Report here.
Rehab Lands are located at 255 Bissett Road in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia. The 20.4 hectares (50.4 acres) park has frontage on Bissett Lake, hilltop views of the surrounding area, and an active transportation trail that connects Bissett Lake Park in Colby Village with the provincial Cole Harbour–Lawrencetown Coastal Heritage Park.
The Rehab Lands reverted to the municipality when the former Halifax County Rehabilitation Centre closed 2002. The buildings were demolished and the site was remediated as informal open space. The park will retain its open meadows and wooded areas for passive recreation. The park plan proposes recreation amenities and activities which are compatible with the natural character of the park.
The proposed recreation amenities include:
- walking and biking trails
- access to the lake and pier
- scenic lookoffs and picnic areas
- dog off-leash area
- disc golf course
Implementation of the Park Plan
The Municipality will develop the park in phases over multiple years. Detail design for the first phase is proposed for 2024/25 with construction in following years.
Who’s Listening?
For additional project information, please contact:
Project Lead – Carolle Koziak Roberts, Landscape Architect, Parks & Recreation
Email robertsc@halifax.ca