Project Overview
Regional Council voted unanimously in support of the Dutch Village Road Complete Streets Functional Plan on June 9, 2020.
This project aims to improve safety and address active transportation and transit gaps along Dutch Village Road. Features and considerations include:
- A sidewalk on the west side of the street, addressing the current sidewalk gap.
- Raised protected cycle lanes on both sides of the street.
- New accessible concrete bus stop pads.
- Shortening existing pedestrian crossing distances and adding accessible pedestrian signals.
- Additional high-quality pedestrian crossings.
- Improved connections to the Chain of Lakes Trail.
- On-street parallel parking spaces, replacing the perpendicular parking spaces which are encroaching on the right of way.
- Streetscaping elements, such as benches, trees, planters, waste receptacles and pocket parks.

Cross-section of Dutch Village Road
Project Status
This project was awarded for construction in fall 2024. Construction is scheduled for the 2025 season, from April to December.
Project Impacts
Construction is planned to start at the southern intersection of Dutch Village Road and Joseph Howe Drive, and proceed north in phases to the intersection of Dutch Village Road and Alma Crescent.
Pedestrian and vehicle access to businesses and residences will be maintained throughout the project.
Sections of sidewalk will be temporarily closed while they are being upgraded. At least one accessible sidewalk will be maintained on Dutch Village Road at all times. Certain phases of construction will require Dutch Village Road to be reduced to a single lane of alternating traffic.
The municipality posts traffic delay and road closure information here.
Spring 2024 – Final review and completion of detailed design.
Spring 2022 – detailed design begins.
Winter 2022 – preliminary design completed.
Spring 2020 – Regional Council approved the recommendations of the Dutch Village Road Complete Streets project based on the staff report.
Summer 2018 – functional plan work was initiated.
December 2017 – Regional Council adopts the Integrated Mobility Plan (IMP). The IMP identifies Dutch Village Road as a priority sidewalk connection given the lack of pedestrian infrastructure, presence of bus stops, passenger volume and nearby land uses, including daycares, and shops.
Summer 2016 – Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use By-law (LUB) amendments enabled pedestrian-oriented residential and commercial growth in the Dutch Village Road area. With the anticipated growth arose a critical need to accommodate pedestrians and ensure the corridor is accessible.
Fall 2014 – Regional Council approves Making Connections: 2014-19 Halifax Active Transportation Priorities Plan. Dutch Village Road intersects with the Chain of Lakes Trail, which is why the street is identified in the Active Transportation Priorities Plan as a candidate bicycle route. This project includes the opportunity to link the community of Fairview with the regional greenway network, as well as the emerging All Ages & Abilities bicycle network on the peninsula, including the multi use path that will be constructed on Bayers Road.